And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weather moderating and DH is going to work on his car

Today they are forecasting weather in the upper 50's and DH is planning on working on his Buick. Hooray! He is motivated and his endurance is increasing. So is his appetite. Last night we had left over pizza and he ate 1/2 of the pizza by himself. This is a great stride forward.

Tonight I am going to ask for his help in cleaning out the Mercury. We will be driving it for our vacation and it needs a spring cleaning. Oh, you say, it is fall. Well then a fall cleaning. I am so happy that I am getting silly.

Silly is fine. Silly is great. I have my husband back and I am celebrating.

Still keep praying for all dementia patients, their caregivers, their families and all who take care of them.

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