And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

From Oncologist to Gastroenterologist

The oncologist confirmed that James does not have cancer! The Good News.

We now are back at the beginning of finding out what else he has. The oncologist is sending us to a gastroentrologist. The GI doctor has ordered 19 blood tests. The results will be available to us at our July 1 appointment.

We are feeling less and less in control of what is happening. DH is getting angry very easily and getting very angry with little cause.

Please pray.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hemotologist/Oncologist Results

The Monday office visit was a mess. The doctor did not have the right information with him when he entered the exam room and had to go back to his desk.

He had the pathologists report that indicated that this was not cancer. That was the good news. The pathologist also indicated that DH has Unicentric Castleman's Disease. This is rarely cancer. Usually up to 90 percent of patients that have had the single lymph node removed have all their symptoms go away. DH is in the other 10 percent. He is still in pain.

The not so good news is that additional tests are needed. The doctor's staff took a blood draw and scheduled a CAT scan.

The blood results for what ever tests were requested were given over the phone on Thursday. All test results normal.

The CAT scan was last night. We will get the results on Monday.

Wonder what miracle drug the doctor will have on Monday.

Please continue to pray.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Today at 2:15 we see the oncologist. This is where we will get the full possibilities of treatment. Also, I hope a fuller explanation of exactly is going on in DH body and the short and long term expectations.

DH is grumpy today. That does not bod well for the doctor. Hope he has a good sense of timing and goes along with DH and his moods.

I am scared, hopeful and a realist at heart.

Please pray for all dementia and cancer patients. Pray for their caregivers, family and friends as they walk this long trail.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Surgery Results

The results from the May 23rd surgery are in. DH has Castleman's Disease. It is a disease of the lymph nodes. We do not have the exact variety of it. Both have different treatments. Our primary care physician who called with the diagnosis said it was cancer. The is the worse form of Castleman's Disease. DH is beside himself and doesn't know what he is feeling. I am trying to see the best side of things.

I am not a Polyanna by any means, but I try to always see the silver linning.

Please continue to pray for all of use.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I keep seeing what I don't want to see

Recently I have seen symptoms of a return of demetia. Short term memory is sporadic and questions are asked more than twice. Often the answer after the question is answered is okay I remember now. Some times after the question is answered a look of bewilderment crosses DH face and he says he doesn't remember the answer at all.

Please pray for all dementia patients, caregivers and family members.