And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Results of Second Biopsy


Now what.

We don't know why the lymph nodes are enlarged.
We don't know why he has nausea after eating.
We don't know why he has no appetite.
We don't know what is causing the ridge from his belly button up that extends 2 inches from it's norm.

We do know that he does not have an infection.
We do know that the EGD (ie run a scope down the throat into the stomach) only found a small hiatal hernia.
We do know that something is wrong.

Now another appointment with the surgeon and options that need to be explored.

Please continue to pray for all cancer and dementia patients, their families and caregivers.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Second lymph node removed

The surgeon removed a second lymph node from DH left underarm yesterday. He also did an endoscopy of the stomach and esophagus. There was a large swelling under the original surgery and he removed lymph fluid.

The endoscopy revealed a small hiatal hernia and nothing else. The second lymph node did not have any external signs other than it was enlarged as the first one. We will get the results Friday morning.

DH also had the triple culture test of his blood. They checked the culture at 24, 48 and 72 hours and there is no infection. We are ruling one thing out at a time.

Please continue to pray for cancer and dementia patients and their caregivers, families and friends.

Bless you today and every day.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today is Friday...

It seems that 1 week can be forever. Tuesday is DH outpatient surgery and we will get the results next Thursday or Friday. It seems to be an eternity. The doctors are so certain that DH has cancer. So far they have not been able to prove anything. I am sublimating all my worry in my work and my crafts and reading gentle books. I do not know what else to do.

Of course I have turned my worry and concern over to God (my choice of a high power) but at the same time there is an empty feeling where the worry should be. I do not know how to fill the empty place. I know you would say fill it with God. I am trying.

Please keep praying for all cancer and dementia patients, their caregivers, families and friends. Your prayers make our lives easier to handle. God Bless.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Results of surgery

DH had a lymph node removed from his groin on Monday, October 18. The biopsy results were benign.

The surgeon and our primary doctor still believe that cancer is present so a second surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, November 2 to remove a lymph node from his right arm pit. We will probably hear the results of the biopsy on Thursday or Friday.

DH is not sure whether to be worried or not. I did all the worrying last time. This time I will leave it in God's hands. Having been through it once, I know what my options are.

Last night DH told me that if the biopsy came back positive for cancer he was not going to go through chemotherapy. "What have I got to live for?" was his basis for making this decision. He no longer hunts, rides motorcycles or scuba dives. He has no other hobbies and is bored with life.

I cannot argue with his logic or the results of it. Since lymphoma is so easily curred or at least put into remission with chemotherapy I do not understand his decision, but will abide with it when the time comes.

Please keep praying for all caregivers, dementia and cancer patients and their friends and family as they pass through the various emotions that go with these diseases.

God bless.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It is not a hernia

The Cat Scan returns indicated no hernia.

However, the lymph nodes along the left side from the groin up were enlarged. Only the pelvic and lower body were scanned.

Monday, October 18 DH had a lymph node removed and it is being biopsied as we speak. Results should be available Wednesday or Thursday.

The doctor is talking about oncologists appointment this week.

Please continue to pray for all caregivers, dementia patients and families and friends of both.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


After my call to our primary care physician a script was phoned in to the pharmacy for DH. I don't know if it is making any difference.

Yesterday I offered to make him his favorite mac and cheese dinner. 10 minutes later while the macaroni was cooking he asked if I had finished his sandwich for supper. Now this is really a short term memory problem.

If this keeps up I will have to put DH back on the Namenda, with doctor's approval, and see if it helps. Something is going on here and I cannot put my finger one it.

Tomorrow we see the surgeon for the results of the Cat Scan. It was of the abdomen and pelvic area. Then we will take the next step.

The technical term for the bulge in the front of DH belly is Diastasis Recti which is a separation between the left and right of the rectus abdominis muscle. It looks like a ridge, which runs down the middle of the belly area. This separation can cause lower back problems. The outer-most abdominal muscle that separates is the support system for the back. When it separates, it weakens the support system for the organs in the front and weakens the support system for the back causing low back problems.

Surgery may be needed if a hernia develops that becomes trapped in the space between the muscles. In general complications only result when a hernia develops. Unfortunately operations have a fairly high failure rate over time.

Exercise may help improve the condition. An exercise called the Tupler technique exercise is used. It exercises the transverse muscle and the recti muscle at the same time.

Also a splint, which is a long scarf-like piece of fabric will pull the muscle sides closer together. An abdominal binder could help ease the pain and prevent additional damage when doing especially strenuous activities.

The Cat Scan will show if a hernia is present.

Please continue to pray for all dementia patients, their families and caregivers.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Are we going down the same track as the last two Autumns?

Today I called our primary care physician. James is still having short term memory problems, is sleepy, has hot and cold sweats, is coughing slightly and has vertigo issues. These are the same symptoms as in October, 2008.

I am certain that these symptoms which were diagnosed as dementia the first time are not dementia! I believe that James is fighting an infection that is causing the symptoms. I hope our doctor will see the same progression and follow some type of testing to rule out a repeat of 2008.

James saw the surgeon yesterday and he discovered a lymph node that was enlarged. This can be caused by infection or cancer. It was the final trigger for my call to our doctor. Also, the hernia is not a hernia. It is Diastasis recti.

Please pray for all caregivers, dementia patients and their extended families.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oh, not again

DH is starting to show signs of short term memory loss. I cannot believe that this is happening again. I need to talk to his doctor about it...but it looks like DH will be having surgery shortly and we don't need two problems at the same time.

It is so hard to be a caregiver to someone who does not realize that they are presenting symptoms like this. It is cruel to point it out, but there is a catch 22 if you don't mention the problem and then they remember that they already knew it.

Pray for all caregivers and families of dementia patients. Thank you.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Over the weekend DH had trouble figuring what day of the week it was.

Also, after we had discussed the menu for dinner he asked me how the hot dogs were doing and I wasn't making hot dogs I was making nachos.

Please continue to pray for all dementia patients, their caregivers and family and friends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This morning on the way to work I told DH I was looking forward to my vacation day tomorrow. He looked at me like "do I know about this?". I told him I was taking a class at my local quilt shop. He just got that man look that says there she goes again.

Just the same, he should have had a reaction that showed that he didn't remember me telling him about it. Because I didn't tell him about it. I wasn't sure how to bring it up in conversation.

Contrary to logic I wished he had said something to indicate that I hadn't told him yet.

Please keep praying for all dementia patients and their friends, family and caregivers.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Still small memory episodes

Every evening when I get home from work DH asks what is for supper. Last night I told him we were having a pork roast. I started the roast while DH was snoozing through the even news. DH woke up and asked again what are we having for supper.

Although this seems minor, it is still a concern. It is not the first time this question repeating circumstance has happened.

Please continue to pray for all dementia patients, their caregivers, families and friends. Also pray for the doctor's and nurses who care for dementia patients.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More short term forgetfulness

We are back to a two car family. I have the choice of the Buick or the Mercury. The Mercury has a heater for the winter that plugs in to keep the oil and engine warm. Yesterday DH reminded me four times that if I took the Mercury to work today I would have to unplug it before I drove it. This morning he reminded me a fifth time.

I think he is aware of what is happening. Last night a medium sized fight of words broke out. He has been so stable with his temper for the last two months. I don't know if this is a sign of frustration.

Until I have sufficient information I am not going to confide in the doctor about what I am thinking. More observation is needed between then and now.

Please keep praying for all dementia patients, their caregivers and extended family and friends.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I hope that what I see isn't

DH is starting to show very tiny signs that he may have Dementia. We went through this before and it was no fun. We thought that the diagnosis was wrong because of the severe staph infection. He has been off his Namenda since October 28, 2009.

The tiny symptoms started during January. I don't think he is aware of it. Somehow I need to start a journal at home and note down each time without his being aware.

This is a total set back and I am depressed about it.

Keep praying for all dementia patients, their caregivers, family and friends.