And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Results from CT Angiogram

The results showed no problems. Another test with no results down. Another test to go.

The next test is a CAT scan of his spine. Doctor is now looking at the spine and nerves to see if there is something in the spine that is radiating around to the stomach.

DH health is continuing it's downward cycle. Not enough food means not enough protein means the body starts using itself as energy. He is short and long term memory problems but they are not from dementia (in my unprofessional opinion).

We are still praying for a diagnosis.

Please continue all prayers for doctors, nurses, volunteers, caregivers, families and patients with dementia and undiagnosed diseases.

Monday, July 18, 2011

More useless test results

DH got his results from the sonogram and xray. He has fatty liver which is not related to the stomach pain.

Our primary physician has talked to the gastroenterologist and the surgeon and they had suggested a CT Angiogram (Computed Tomography Angiogram). It is a detailed picture of the blood vessels that go the the heart, lung, kidneys among other organs. It is scheduled tomorrow morning.

DH is becoming more and more forgetful. Now the long term as well as the short term memories are not there. I still believe if he was not going through all the pain, tests etc. that this would not be an issue.

Please continue to pray.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Additional Tests

Today DH had a sonogram and xray of the area in his stomach that has the severe pain. They didn't tell him not to eat before the tests so he may have to take them over again.

DH is getting close to giving up. The only thing keeping him on the road to a diagnosis is the knowledge that our GS (grandson) has just lost his Daddy and DH will now really have to be a large part in GS life. DH is the only adult over 21 in GS life. He has no uncles in the vicinity and his only cousin that is old enough to be a mentor is just starting out his adult life with a girl friend. I know that my SNIL (step nephew in law - SIL nephew) is a wonderful adult and will do all he can.

DH is still having moments of short term memory loss. I think it is 90% stress and 9% pain and 1% not listening.

Keep praying for all dementia patients, all hospice patients, doctors, nurses, aides and family, friends and caregivers. They need prayers more than most.

Thank you for all your prayers and the responses I have received from this blog. You will never know how much they mean to me!