And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Monday, July 18, 2011

More useless test results

DH got his results from the sonogram and xray. He has fatty liver which is not related to the stomach pain.

Our primary physician has talked to the gastroenterologist and the surgeon and they had suggested a CT Angiogram (Computed Tomography Angiogram). It is a detailed picture of the blood vessels that go the the heart, lung, kidneys among other organs. It is scheduled tomorrow morning.

DH is becoming more and more forgetful. Now the long term as well as the short term memories are not there. I still believe if he was not going through all the pain, tests etc. that this would not be an issue.

Please continue to pray.

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