And now may the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

And may God grant unto you His peace-in your going out and in your coming in,

In your lying down and in your rising up,

In your labor and in your leisure,

In your laughter and in your tears,

Until you come to stand before Jesus

In that day in which there is no sunset and no dawning.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

DH and his goals

DH has set a goal for himself that 15 months ago would never have been possible. I know that you will gasp and think that this is unbelievable, but it is something that he has wanted for years and his mind is clear enough (now) that it is a possibility. DH is starting classes tonight for his conceal to carry permit. Yes, he will take classes so that he can carry a firearm.

Am I happy about this. NO. Am I stopping him. NO. Should I stop him. I don't know the answer to that question. Our primary care physician is aware and hasn't given me the evil eye so I think we are safe in letting this happen. Even if DH doesn't pass the class and the exams he will have attempted something that keeps him in the here and now. That is important in and of itself.

As for his dementia, there is little evidence of it other than occassional short term memory problems. This is very minor and only I notice it.

Please continue your prayers for all dementia patients and their extended families who deal with this disease and its daily reminder of who the patient was and who they are now.

1 comment:

no1daughteroflewydad said...

Hello Mrs DH,

I just read back over your posts and you and your hubby have had a very rough trot. It seems your hubby is doing so much better now which is absolutely fantastic. I'm sure your love and care has had a lot to do with this. You must look after yourself too.
I live in Australia which has a different culture about firearms so I'm unfamiliar with a 'conceal to carry permit' as we don't have anything like that here. And at first when I read your post it concerned me but having read back over how you nearly lost your hubby last year...I think it's terrific that he is well enough and motivated to do something he has always wanted to do, however, if he passes do you think you can be persuasive enough with him, if carrying a firearm, he poses as a threat to himself, yourself or others, to stop him. Dementia sufferers can be very obstinate and obsessive and as you are aware their cognitive functions can fluctuate...a great month or 2 then bad days, weeks and then back to good. It's when he is having a bad patch that concerns me. When my Dad wakes screaming in the middle of the night and wants something NOW. What would I do if he had a gun.
If he passes the exam how obstinate will he be about carrying a firearm. Be careful you don't end up between a rock and a hard place.
I wish you all the best.